WOAS-FM is owned by the Ontonagon Area Schools and has been on the air continually since it signed on the first time in December of 1978 (making this our 37th year). It was developed by our first General Manager Thomas G. Lee and put together by a dedicated group of volunteers from donated materials from a variety of sources. The facility was rebuilt beginning in 1997 with grants from the Ontonagon Area Schools, Upper Peninsula Power Co., and public donations. While we do not run any type of formal fund raising, we do accept tax free donations of equipment or money with the promise that it will be used exclusively for equipment or station programming. We are staffed with a 100% volunteer group of students and community volunteers with students comprising our ‘day shift’. Our evening shift is a mixture of syndicated programs and live programs delivered by community volunteers and students who broadcast outside of the school day. Our meager operating costs are provided by the school district and are supplemented by funds generated via the recycling of inkjet cartridges, laser jet cartridges, and cell phones.

Typically, it takes a few weeks for our day schedule to gel, but we will be broadcasting just the same. The evening shift is always a work in progress and if you are interested in becoming part of the WOAS volunteer family, please contact General Manager Ken Raisanen by calling 813–0614 Ext 133 or by emailing ken@oasd.k12.mi.us. Your Sound Choice is back – check us out at 88.5 FM or on-line at http://www.woas-fm.org – and although we are still working on the website itself, we are streaming the stations programming via the web page.

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